Tips for posting your vehicle on the Virtual Car Show:


  1. Select the Listing Package that best suits your needs and allows you to show the amount of detail you want with your listing. The different Listing Packages allow for different number of images and maximums in the amount of text you can submit.
  2. Take a minute to view some of the other vehicles already on the Virtual Car Show to get ideas about how other described and presented their vehicles.
  3. To speed the registration process, scan through the entry fields and collect the information you’ll want to submit such as your social media page(s).
  4. An email address is required to enter your vehicle. If you do not want your email address to appear on your vehicle page, after registering, send an email to and request your email not be made visible to the public.
  5. For Owner Bio (optional), we suggest you share a bit about yourself. Remember, this is about building community, so share what you think others might want to know about you.
  6. For the Vehicle Details section, please complete the fields as you want them to appear. Please do not abbreviate “Chevrolet” with “Chevy” or the like as this will make it difficult for others to search for your car in the Virtual Car Show.
  7. For Vehicle Class, select the category that best suits your vehicle.
  8. In the Brief Description field, provide one or two sentences that gives an overview of the car. Remember that you will give more details in the following Build Sheet Details section.
  9. In the Build Sheet Details section, feel free to share about your vehicle however you choose, within the maximum number of characters allowed. You might want to do sentence/paragraph or list features with bullets. As this might take a bit of time for you to think through, you might write this out in a Word document before filling out the registration so you can easily cut and paste your build details.
  10. Create a folder with your favorite pictures of your vehicle so you can quickly locate them to add to the Vehicle Gallery. As you add pictures, you can delete them if you change your mind and want to add a different one. In the review process, we will select the picture from your gallery as the “hero” image for you posting and arrange the images as we see best. So, don’t worry about the order of the images. We will do our best to make your post look great!
  11. Have some pictures receiving awards or award received? Add them to the Vehicle Awards Gallery (up to four images maximum).
  12. Enter your bank card details and click “Register”. It may take a minute or more to complete your registration as the system uploads your information and photos. Once we have completed the upload, you will get a success message on the screen and receive an email at the email address that you provided.
  13. We will review your submission and activate it on the Virtual Car Show as soon as possible!

The Benedict Castle Concours Virtual Car Show is for entertainment purposes only. Vehicle descriptions, claims, details and images are provided by the registering individual, and the Benedict Castle Concours Committee makes no claims to their accuracy or validity. If you have any concerns about a posting on the Virtual Car Show, please email: